How this woman-owned, women-led marketing firm is developing a culture of creativity and flexibility in the workplace.
If you have ever received a business card from Stoltz marketing firm in Boise, you know that their mantra, “We see your potential,” is prominently and ingeniously placed next to a photo of the individual as a child. This imagery will elicit a quick laugh when you see their former, gangly self smiling sheepishly up at you. The card is a perfect example of creativity, humor, and a great message all existing together in the same space. Clients who work with Stoltz will not only find a full-service marketing agency ready to help them with their every marketing need but a team of fun, authentic professionals as well.

So, what is it about a woman-owned, women-led team that sets Stoltz apart? As Tracy Hitchcock, Stoltz’s Director of Business Development, says,
“[As women] we can be true to talking about flexibility. Whether you have an aging parent, are working on
Tracy Hitchcock
adoption, or have young kids at home, [our employees] have a flexible schedule. So, we truly live and breathe
This flexibility allows Stoltz’s diverse group of men and women to work when and where they can be the most creative and productive.
Leading The Way With EQ
Coupled with flexibility, the women leaders also rely heavily upon a high emotional quotient (EQ) to navigate how they can have open and authentic conversations with their employees. When everyone in the office can be themselves, it comes through in how they creatively solve problems for their clients.
Reinvention Of The Workspace
Recently, a big way the firm has sought to foster its flexible and creative culture is through a reinvention of their office workspaces. Located in the U.S. Bank building, the office has an incredible view of the city and the foothills, but the workspaces were lacking. On top of that, the staff of 13 sent to work from home in early 2020 has grown to 20 members today. So, in preparation for bringing everyone back into the office, the leadership team decided to freshen up the office with new workstations and a flexible, collaborative space. Now the team enjoys
ergonomic chairs, height-adjustable desks, and a great collaborative environment in a once
underutilized space in the office.

Maintaining A Culture
With this refresh, Stoltz is looking forward to another great year. With 49% growth over the last year, the firm is learning to redefine what it means to remain small. No matter what comes, they are dedicated to maintaining a culture of fun and authenticity while always seeing the potential in their clients and bringing that potential to fruition.
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