multigenerational work cafe

How to Create A Workplace for All Ages  

5 Tips to create a welcoming environment for all ages.  

It is no secret that the workplace represents a more diverse workforce than ever before. In this case, we are referring to the generational diversity. From the Boomer generation to Gen Alpha, we are seeing a demographic mix like never before. For many companies, balancing the needs of these vastly different generations is a challenge. To help, we have some tips to create a workforce that is welcoming to all ages.  

1. Create Flexible, Adaptable, Inclusive, and Customizable Workspaces.  

Creating a workplace for multiple ages starts with catering to various workstyles and needs. That looks like incorporating furniture solutions that support comfort and productivity for all users. Height-adjustable desks, ergonomic task chairs, ample lighting, appropriate sound masking and acoustics, and areas for seclusion or collaboration are just a few ways to create a more inclusive and flexible environment.  

all ages work cafe

2. Incorporate intuitive, user-friendly technology.  

An individual’s understanding of and need for technology varies drastically across generations. That is why a successful workplace must have comprehensive technology training. Demonstrations and one-on-one training are excellent ways to get everyone up to speed. Additionally, technology interfaces must be user-friendly and intuitive. One-touch solutions are a great way to make it easy for employees to conduct meetings successfully. Installing camera bars that fully capture everything in a meeting is another way to make employees feel included and valued.  

3. Talk About Preferred Workstyles.  

Company leadership must understand that everyone has different communication preferences. That can look like face-to-face meetings, emails, instant messaging, and video conferencing to accommodate different communication preferences. Helping teams understand each other better through avenues like DISC tests and open conversations about work-styles will help improve communication. Additionally, each generation has a unique perspective so leverage those by having a trusted member of each group help make important decisions. This also extends to mentorship programs. Rather than lose industry knowledge when a seasoned employee retires, have them share that knowledge with new employees so they can find success.   

men talking together

4. Provide amenities that appeal to all ages.  

Different age groups have different interests. While a fitness center may appeal to a Millennial, a quiet cafe setting may be what a Boomer is looking for. Incorporating spaces that cater to different activities is a great way to attract and retain talent of all ages. Look for ways to incorporate wellness into your workplace that align with your company values, culture, and unique location.  

elder man in lounge

5. Make Inclusive Spaces For All Ages And Abilities.  

Finally, your physical office space should be accessible to all ages. This looks like thoughtfully designing spaces, furniture, stairways, and more to make it easy for handicapped individuals to enjoy just as much as everyone else. Create spaces that are inviting to those who might struggle with their vision, hearing, or mobility by providing adequate wayfinding solutions, textures, colors, and graphics.  


While there is no guaranteed solution to fix all the problems facing your diverse workforce, you can always take steps to make your workplace more accommodating. Start by creating flexible spaces that cater to various needs. Integrate intuitive technology. Have open communication about preferred work styles. Incorporate amenities for various wellness activities, and make inclusive workspaces for all ages and abilities.  

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people in outdoor setting

Retaining Talent Through Company Culture 

Today’s companies are constantly working on attracting and retaining talent. They offer signing bonuses, promotions, flexible work schedules, on-site fitness centers, and more. While these are all things that employees want, they may not be what keeps employees at a company long term. So, what is the secret to creating loyal employees? Culture. 

What is Company Culture? 

In essence, a company’s culture is its personality so to speak. Culture encompasses a shared set of beliefs, values, and behaviors that shape the organization’s business. For example, at Create Spaces we value Trust, Respect, the Pursuit of Excellence, and strive to Make A Difference for clients and coworkers. Values like this shape how you do business, structure your benefits and even design your workplace.  (For more on culture, read: Space & Culture with Steelcase’s Dr. Tracy Brower)

Here are some key elements that contribute to a company’s culture: 

  • Values: These are the core principles that guide the company’s actions and decision-making.    
  • Beliefs: These are the shared assumptions and understandings held by employees like honesty and hard work. 
  • Behaviors: These are the ways employees typically act and interact with each other. This could look like friendly competition where employees push each other to be their best. 
  • Norms: These are the unwritten rules that govern behavior within the organization. This could look like showing up on time or prioritizing kindness.  
  • Symbols: These are the objects, images, or rituals that represent the company’s culture. At Create Spaces we love the outdoors so you will see imagery of the local wildernesses around our offices. Using symbols is a great way to lean into what makes you unique. 

While these are all factors that embody a company’s culture, we are going to focus on the values and behaviors. 

How Behaviors Reflect What You Company Values 

Some companies may value making money above all else. Employees are simply cogs in a machine running to pump cash into investor’s pockets. These kinds of workplaces typically have a high turnover because employees don’t feel valued or supported. 

Other companies value creating an excellent product, but not at the expense of their employees. Rather, their focus is on succeeding as a whole organization, investors, and employees alike. In this company, leadership wants to help employees improve their lives professionally and personally. 

While a company must make money to stay in business, the behaviors they encourage in the workplace will reflect what they value most. 

people talking in private office

How Cultivate A Positive Company Culture Leads To Retaining Talent

We touched on it earlier, but when an employee does not feel valued or supported, they are far less likely to stay with a company. That means that while pay may entice someone to remain with a job, the people, and ultimately the culture will determine if they stay long term.  

A lot of this comes down to hiring decisions. Hiring that follows a company’s values will often lead to creating teams that are cohesive and enjoy working together. That may mean having similar interests, drives, and even behaviors. Being selective in the attitude of the person you hire can have huge benefits on your culture. Culture is embodied in its people, so hire people who contribute to your ideal culture. 

Often employees will stay at a company because they have built relationships that they don’t want to leave behind. Loyalty to a company arises when leadership makes employees feel valued, understood, and supported. This can look like: 

  • Prioritizing regular, weekly check-ins between employees and their managers.  
  • An open-door policy where employees can physically see leaders working alongside them and feel comfortable having casual conversations.  
  • Leaders can take an eager interest in what employees are interested in outside of work and support those interests. 
  • Hosting customer appreciation events and inviting employee’s families to join. 
  • Communicating kindly but honestly when discussing hard topics. 
  • Offering flexibility for employees who need it or generally working with employees to help them work at their best. 
  • Offering opportunities for employees to improve their skills and earn promotions. 
  • Compensating employees well so they don’t look elsewhere. 
steelcase employees at outdoor table

The more companies can bring the human element into the workplace with a listening ear and empathy, the better they will be at retaining talent. Organizations are constantly working to build trust with their clients, but it has to start with employees. Create a culture where employees are valued, and watch earnings go up because when everyone is working in the same direction, you can’t help but succeed. 

For similar content, read Work-Life Balance: A Myth or Reality? 

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work life balance

Work-Life Balance: A Myth or Reality?  

For years, American workers have heard the term “work-life balance”. The concept paints the ideal of each worker’s ability to find a state of equilibrium where they equally prioritize the demands of their career and personal life. Like anything in life, finding balance is hard, especially regarding work.  

Everyone knows a workaholic, someone who spends more time working than their personal life can support. These people, typically comprised of Generation X and Boomers, find fulfillment from work but often sacrifice personal relationships to achieve their success. The concept of “work-life balance” or even “mental health” does not mean the same to them the way it does to Millennials and Gen Zers who work from home, in coffee shops, or on vacation. In their defense, the world was different when they entered the workforce. There were different expectations and fewer conveniences like hybrid technology. Additionally, social norms around work were different and there were fewer work styles to model. Given different circumstances, older generations may have subscribed to today’s hybrid work environment and thrived there.   

The problem in today’s workforce, however, is one of mental health, which is inextricably linked to the concept of work-life balance. So, if the success of a company lies on its employee’s mental health at work and by extension, their work-life balance, it is important to ask, is work-life balance achievable?  

Is Work-Life Balance Achievable?  

While the term “perfect work-life balance” is most likely unattainable, many people find ways to effectively manage their time and energy to create a healthy balance. An important thing to note is that balance does not necessarily mean equal division of time between work and personal life. Rather, balance is unique to the daily rhythm that fits each person.   

Balance, however, does not come easily. Jobs inherently require experiencing long hours, heavy workloads, and high-stress situations at some point in time. It is not financially responsible for people to quit their jobs whenever they experience something stressful. It certainly does not make them into more mature, well-functioning adults to do so. Therefore, how do you find balance when work is out of balance?  

Above all, you have to safeguard your mental health, meaning, you have to develop mental fortitude.  

Vegas Showroom collaboration
Hybrid Technology is helping people create a healthy work-life balance like never before

Ways to Improve Work-Life Balance Through Taking Action 

  1. Recognize that things change. While you may be in a tough season of work or life, it will not be like that forever.   
  1. Be Assertive. If you dislike something about your work situation, schedule a meeting with your supervisor to discuss the problem. Provide solutions for how you could improve the situation and ask for help.  
  1. Understand that sometimes succeeding in work means slacking in other areas of your life. Plan ahead when you know life is going to be busy and put in the time at home or with friends when you can and communicate clearly when you can’t.  
  1. Set timelines and boundaries. You can do anything for two weeks. Beyond that, make a plan for how to remedy your situation.  
  1. Change your mindset and get creative. Sometimes situations take longer to change than you might prefer. You can choose to be bitter about it, or you can focus on things you can do and get creative with ways to still have fun.  
  1. Remember, there is always another way. Every problem has a solution; it just may look different than you anticipated. Your solutions could look like developing a hybrid work plan with your employer, changing your hours to accommodate raising a family or changing your job description. It could even look like changing jobs if that is best. Never be afraid to advocate for yourself or look at the situation from a different angle.  

Work-life balance is a personal journey. It is not achievable unless you are not willing to do the work to create the balance you desire. But once you put the work in to create your best work-life situation, you and your mental health will be better for it.  

For more like this, read our blog: 5 Ways AV Supports Employee Wellbeing  

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vegas showroom lounge seating

The Dynamic Conference Room 

Say goodbye to the traditional, oversized conference room! Discover how to a dynamic conference room that works for every meeting and every personality. 
Is your large conference room just not cutting it anymore? We get it. A massive table with chairs might not be the right fit for every meeting. Whether it’s a two-person discussion or a client interview, a big, empty room can feel cold and intimidating. 
But imagine a space that’s flexible, accommodating both large groups and smaller, more intimate gatherings. Here’s how you can transform your conference room into something more dynamic in nature. 

Designated Spaces 

Create different areas within the same room to cater to various needs. Some participants like to stand during meetings while others do their best thinking in a laid-back lounge chair. Providing different postures creates a more dynamic space. 

vegas showroom tiered seating

Different Elevations 

Incorporate plush chairs with side tables, soft couches with coffee tables, high-top tables with bar stools, and landing tables at the back. The goal is to design for different postures while also giving everyone an easy line of sight to the room’s technology.  

Versatile Setup 

This arrangement ensures everyone’s comfort, from the person who needs to pace to those who prefer a cozy corner. Using furniture that is easily moved to accommodate for different group activities is a must. 

vegas showroom huddle space straight on

Hybrid Technology 

Finally, no space is complete without technology that is made for the hybrid environment. Camera bars have greatly improved to include features like stitching. Stitching is where the camera zooms in on each participant, no matter where they are in the room, and creates an equal sized box for them on the screen of the remote participant. This way, someone sitting at the back of the room, looks the same to the remote participant as someone sitting in the front. This encourages conversation and keeps everyone involved. 

Making sure your screen or screens are large enough for the space is also important. With participants all over the room, you need to make sure they can easily see and share content. This could mean installing screens at the front and sides of the room depending on how large of a space you have. 
Creating a dynamic conference room means that you can have a big meeting and still accommodate everyone’s needs and personality types. By combining a good variety of furniture and using hybrid technology your space will be a sought-after amenity that will help your team be successful for years to come. 

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