Cascadia Healthcare in Eagle, ID makes a difference.

Nate Hosac is one of four friends who started Cascadia Healthcare, a skilled nursing
company caring for those who don’t need to be in a hospital but require constant care. The company is a fantastic example of what can happen when real estate and skilled nursing experts, but more importantly, friends, decide to build a business together. Since its conception six years ago, Cascadia Healthcare has grown from a tiny office in Eagle, Idaho, to 26 different facilities, employing almost 2,300 people across six states. The most recent addition to the
company’s facilities is a new administrative office in Eagle, Idaho.
Cascadia Grows
With a history in office and industrial development, Hosac was the perfect person to bring the new building online. He handled everything from building location and design to furniture and layout. “What this building means to us is the ability to grow.” After outgrowing their original building, creating a space where they could grow became of paramount importance. While there are currently forty-five people occupying the new space, there is room to double that.

Working With OEC
However, getting into the new building had its twists and turns, mainly the possibility of a new building. The layout and furniture designs were ready to go when Hosac called his OEC workplace consultant, Jill Miller, to halt the project. “I called Jill and said, ‘We’re looking at another deal, so we need to stop [the design] right now.’ She was really understanding and even helped us with a couple of conceptual floor plans in the new space.” In the end,
Cascadia Healthcare stayed with the original building and has enjoyed some of the great new spaces. In one such space, they took what would have been a conference room and turned it into a casual, collaborative area. “It is receiving the most use of any of our rooms. People love going in there because they can sit and chat without having to feel like it’s really formal.”

Looking To The Future
After achieving so much in six short years, Cascadia Healthcare looks at the future differently from most. “When the four of us got together to start this company, we all had good careers. We didn’t need to start a company. But as we talked about it over several weeks and months, we asked ourselves, ‘Why are we doing this?’ At the core of it, we identified that we want to be a force for good. It sounds like a catchphrase, but it is the truth. We care a lot about all our employees and the residents in our care. We don’t look at growth and success at a financial level, how many states we are in, or the number of employees. Rather, we judge it by seeing our employees happy and our residents getting better. When they are smiling and receiving good care, that makes it a really rewarding industry to work in. In the future, I see us being a force for good.”
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