The Spanish Springs Library in Sparks, Nevada just created a new space for their teens. This “Teen Room” is bright, interactive, and perfect for teen programs. To make the space edgy, black walls and metal grating contrast with brightly colored furniture. Flexible furniture makes it easy to reconfigure the space as needed and standing height tables provide different postures.
The Clark County Library has a bright and fun new space for meeting and collaboration. Tables with casters makes it easy to move and push them together to hold more people. Round tables surrounded by plush chairs create a space for people to settle in and stay a while. Whether this space is used for crafts, quiet reading, or finishing homework, it is designed to fit a lot of people and meet their seating needs.
The new McCall library feeds the heart, soul, and mind of its small mountain community. Their mission is to provide boundless opportunities to educate, inspire, and connect patrons of all ages, backgrounds, and views. This brand-new building is a beautifully constructed and playful space for all ages. Wood winds its way through the space reflecting the woodlands it sets within. Bright green colors keep the space bright and inviting and the furniture perfectly reflects those design choices.
Oasis Academy is a public charter school in Fallon, NV. This new building is perfectly designed for its high achieving students. Flexible furniture allows for high levels of collaboration or a lecture format. Classrooms are shared by teachers and the hangout is the perfect location for students and staff to gather and socialize.
The Silverado Ranch Community Center in Las Vegas is a hub for after school programs, art, sports, and other community activites. Create Spaces provided seating in high traffic areas like the kitchen and other collaboration rooms to make the spaces accessible and comfortable for all who use them.
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas has a great student union building with some beautiful new furniture. When the University decided to update their student union common area, they reached out to Create Spaces for help. Full of different lounge settings from personal tables, booths, planters, lounge chairs, and benches, students have so many places to relax, eat, study, or socialize. In fact, many students were using the new spaces before all the furniture was even installed!
To spruce up their library seating and provide new study postures for students, the College of Southern Idaho installed brand new Steelcase Brodys and Agati Study Pods. These study pods give students privacy, and desk, and even allow some of them to lounge as they work. Need to collaborate with friends? The Agati study pod supports that too!
See the next project…
Funded by Micron, Boise State University’s beautiful Materials Research Building gives students an opportunity to excel in their field. The building is the largest gift in the history of the university. The building will allow for students to manufacture technology, new materials, conduct cancer research, energy studies, space and aeronautics, and develop new sensors and microelectronic devices. OEC furnished many of the common areas with lots of great fabrics and Boise State blues.
The Cole Valley Christian Meridian campus is home to five hundred 7th – 12th grade students. This building was the original Meridian City Hall, which means it has some very interesting architecture features.
The library features Steelcase Glass Privacy Wall and soft seating, chairs, and other furniture from AIS.
The ISU Meridian campus is home to more than 500 students who are in a variety of health-related programs. The newly remodeled space in this project features Steelcase furniture. Interior Design for this project was provided by CSHQA. Furniture selection and implementation managed by Michelle Giudice from the OEC team.
The library, which is well used by students, is an excellent example of how intentional furniture design can make a good space great. The acoustical ceiling features are beautiful as well as functional.