leader employee gap

The Employee – Leader Gap

Message From The President

A gap exists between leaders’ perceived well-being at work and employees’ well-being. According to the recent Steelcase work study, leaders are almost twice as likely (as employees) to feel better about their work-life balance, energy, engagement, and mental health. So how do leaders bridge the gap and help employees feel as well at work as they do? Let’s focus in on the singular topic of engagement for a moment—I feel like this one is the key to improving wellbeing across the board.

Two key traditional HR questions that drive engagement are the following:

  1. Do I know what my job is, do I have a clear, written job description?
  2. Do I have the right tools and training to do my job?

For some reason leaders and ownership are better at answering the above two questions for themselves—but not as good at doing this with employees. So how do organizations get better? Here is a simple step in the right direction. Ask your employees the above two questions—do a survey. It’s easy. You can do it with Office 365 (there is a handy app called Forms) or you can do it with a survey using Survey Monkey or something else similar. Make it department-specific but anonymous, that way employees feel more comfortable sharing without fear of being singled out. Once you have the results, review them with the leadership team and then pick an item or two each quarter to work on. Keep track of your survey results and over time you will see progress.

Good luck, I hope you can reduce the Employee – Leader gap at your organization.

Scott Galloway

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